About the Journal

The ScientiVerse Journal is a distinguished, peer-reviewed scholarly publication focused on showcasing and promoting exceptional work in the field of science education. We welcome a diverse range of research forms, such as qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods in our call for papers. However, we maintain a non-negotiable criterion that the research submissions should be scientifically reliable and valid, reflecting stringent standards of empirical evidence and objectivity.

By prioritizing originality and quality, Scientiverse Journal is committed to rigorously promoting sound and impactful science education research. This not only encompasses comprehensive research papers but also insightful literature review articles, making this journal a dynamic platform for scholarly discourse in science education. Articles published in this journal are free from plagiarism and have not been previously published by any other journal.

ScientiVerse Journal publishes four issues in a year, as in March, June, September, and December. Each issue features a minimum of eight published articles.